15 Facts You Need To Know About Left Handed People

 15 Facts You Need To Know About Left Handed People

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be left-handed in a right-handed world? Being a lefty comes with its unique challenges and advantages that the majority of the population might not be aware of. Here are 15 facts you need to know about left-handed people.

1. Only about 10% of the world population is left-handed.

2. Left-handedness is more common in twins.

3. Left-handedness runs in families.

4. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael were left-handed.

5. Left-handed people are more likely to suffer from dyslexia.

6. Left-handed people have better problem-solving skills and are more creative.

7. They tend to excel in sports that require good visual-spatial abilities, such as baseball and tennis.

8. Left-handedness is linked to better musical ability.

9. In some countries, being left-handed is seen as a sign of creativity and intelligence.

10. Left-handed people have a higher risk of suffering from schizophrenia.

11. Many famous people are left-handed, including Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Jim Carrey.

12. Left-handed people tend to have more accidents because most tools and objects are designed for right-handed people.

13. In many cultures, using your left hand is considered impolite and unclean.

14. Left-handedness has been linked to a shorter lifespan, possibly due to the added stress of living in a right-handed world.

15. There is no clear scientific explanation for why some people are left-handed, but it's thought to be a mix of genetic and environmental factors.

Being left-handed comes with both pros and cons. Despite the challenges that come with living in a right-handed world, left-handed people are known for their unique creativity and problem-solving skills. It's important to appreciate and celebrate the diversity of being left-handed and work towards creating a more inclusive world that caters to everyone's needs, regardless of their dominant hand.

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