Firstly, what is Vitamin B12? It is a nutrient that is essential for your body's proper functioning. It helps your body create DNA, form red blood cells, and produce energy. Likewise, it is naturally found in animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy products.
But why can it be dangerous? The answer is that consuming too much Vitamin B12 can cause adverse side effects. If your body has enough of the vitamin, it will simply flush out the excess through urine. However, if you consume large amounts of it over time, it can lead to health problems.
One of the side effects of consuming too much Vitamin B12 is acne. Although not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and frustrating to deal with. Another side effect is digestive upset such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also lead to skin rashes, fever, and headaches.
Another issue with over-consumption of Vitamin B12 is that it can mask a vitamin B deficiency. This means that even if you are deficient in vitamin B, your blood levels may show up as normal if you are also consuming excess vitamin B12. This can be dangerous because a vitamin B deficiency can cause anemia, depression, fatigue, and memory loss.
So, how much Vitamin B12 is too much? The recommended daily amount is 2.4 micrograms per day for adults. Most people can easily meet this requirement by consuming a healthy diet that includes animal products. It is important to note that vegans and vegetarians may have a harder time meeting their daily requirements, and may need to supplement with Vitamin B12.
In conclusion, eating Vitamin B12 is not dangerous if done in moderation. The recommended daily intake is easily achieved through a healthy diet. However, over-consumption can lead to adverse side effects and can mask other deficiencies. So, if you are considering taking Vitamin B12 supplements, make sure to talk to your doctor and take only the recommended amount. Stay healthy, everyone!